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Drawing & Painting Portraits
February 25 - April 1
Drawing 1
April 14 - May 19
Drawing 1
February 24 – March 31
Drawing 1 (5 wks)
January 6 - February 10 (no class 1/20)
Drawing 2
April 15 - May 20
Drawing 2
January 7 - February 11
Exploring Methods of Printmaking for Home Use
February 24 - March 24
Exploring Methods of Printmaking for Home Use
April 15 - May 13
Fabulous Slabs
January 2 - February 6
Felt and Stitch
May 4 - 11
Floor Loom Weaving
January 8 - February 12
Floor Loom Weaving
April 15 - May 20